Sunday, September 22, 2013

Micro PIC Burner...

Tested with Daniel Perron "burnLV" Python and Giorgio Vazzana "RPP" C...

First prototype working... very slow...
Just completed some low level routines to make it speed up... not tested yet fully... the new routines works individually and
succeed with "bulk erase" the chip and "read device id"...

Excited about this new device...

Site is here (still writing it):


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Molec (PIC) Low Voltage Programming...

Daniel Perron showed me

Daniel Perron showed me his RaspberryPI PIC Low Voltage Programming... he pointed it as the another way to program Moleculines... quite nice...

Here is the post (forum) where he announced it:

I did test, works nice...

Also, I tested it using a hardware interface for higher voltage and the same DC Voltage Converter I am using with ArdPicProg and RPP... it also works fine with HIGH VOLTAGE PROGRAMMING (with few modifications)...

The good news is that it is written in PYTHON, so, it is more easy for the average RasPI user to look and change the code...

I will put information and code (already there) in the following link:

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Makering Kits (all the basics to become a Maker)

Makering Kits (learn the basics to become a Maker)...